Thursday 22 September 2011

Year 8 Project: Build a Model Gurdwara

Hello Year 8s,

Just a reminder that your next homework assignment is a project to build your own Gurdwara, or Sikh Temple.

It is not due in until your 6th lesson so you have plenty of time to get it looking fantastic!

Remember to use your planning sheet and you could look at the link below for more ideas

Happy building!

Year 7 Homework lesson 3: Create a Coat of Arms

Just a reminder of the requirements of the task:

Building on the work we did in class on how unique we are, and our words that describe us on the 'inside' your homework task was to create your own coat of arms.

This needs to fill a whole page in your book, and must include colour and images. You could also include a phrase in the banner if you like!

The images you choose are up to you, but must reflect how you wish to describe yourself.

I have included a link which includes a bit of background about the coat of arms, and a tool that will help you design your own one!

Thursday 15 September 2011

Year 8 title page ideas

Have a look at the link for some ideas for images you could use for your homework

Year 7 Homework: RE title page

Just a quick reminder Year 7s that the homework set in your first lesson is to create a title page for the new topic RE: What is it all about?

This is essentially a mini poster in your books and can include images and words you have drawn or have printed off.

Most importantly, make it beautifully colourfully eyecatching!

Have fun being artistic!