Thursday 22 September 2011

Year 8 Project: Build a Model Gurdwara

Hello Year 8s,

Just a reminder that your next homework assignment is a project to build your own Gurdwara, or Sikh Temple.

It is not due in until your 6th lesson so you have plenty of time to get it looking fantastic!

Remember to use your planning sheet and you could look at the link below for more ideas

Happy building!


  1. Hello Miss Patchett
    I'm Tom Gould's mum, one of your year 8 students (8.2).
    Tom's gurdwara is due in tomorrow but he is off school at a family wedding which I have absence permission for. Tom will bring his model to his next lesson on Fri 21st Oct unless you wish it to be in school before. If you do please let me know and I will arrange a day next week to drop him to school as he normally rides his bike. It is all complete.Kind regards Mrs Emma Gould 07810343757

  2. Well that's good news

  3. This is kind of weird. I thought this site would tell me how 2 make a gurdwara. Mabye u could post that? it would help me a lot...
