Tuesday 31 January 2012

Year 9: Religion and Science in Conflict

This lesson you will be looking at the following sources to try and gather some evidence to answer the question:

Are Religion and Science in conflict?

See if you can find evidence for both sides of the argument


  1. Hello Teachers
    It's Darius here!
    I'm writing to tell you that I have a Book out!
    would it be ok if I talk about my book in class on Tuesday. I would have asked you during the week but we were doing our essays! If you see me on Monday could you please let me know! Could you also visit my blog http://victoryforu.wordpress.com/ and you can get my books from the last blog post on the page!
    Thank you for your time
    Darius Smith

  2. This is a link to my blog and on it is my Adam and Eve work http://tomellisonreblog.blogspot.co.uk
